Monday, January 6, 2025

Candy Fernandes



On any day, any time, a gift so sweet,

Candy, my dearest pet, I'd meet.

The best dog in the family, no doubt,

With a heart so full, emotions pour out.


Friendly and warm, to all she'll greet,

Love for kids and guests, complete.

Guarding the home from perils unseen,

Her loyalty, like a shining beam.


Clean and tidy, a regal sight,

In times of pain, she hides it tight.

Bearing the ache with silent grace,

A smile on her face, a gentle embrace.


A blessing to all, she brings delight,

Helping others conquer their fear of the night.

With her, love for dogs will grow,

Her presence a joy, a lovely glow.


Kids come running, hearts alight,

To Candy, their friend, in pure delight.

Her evening strolls, she patiently waits,

For the little ones, her love elates.


My best buddy, a friend for life,

Through thick and thin, no strife.

Candy, you're simply the best,

Forever in my heart, you'll rest.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Girl - Diana Jasmine Fernandes

Last week I spent a sun-kissed morning on the extreme point of my country Cape Comorin with my lifelong friend Diana Jasmine Fernandes

We broke our fast, we talked and we walked in the ocean breeze...
But there was one moment in particular, as she pointed to a sign board of history about Kanyakumari, that I realized:
I'm in love with this woman again.
Not only the romantic type of love - that's something only we humans usually do :-)
But rather, the kind of love you feel when you sense a deep vibrational alignment with someone.
You see for years now, Diana has had only loving things to say and think about me...
She jumps out of bed every morning expressing her gratitude for me…
She even picks her movies, music, books and friends based on what they have to say about me!
She is one of those 'Abundant People' who makes it easy for me to lavish her with the best things in life.
So that's exactly what I do.
With all my might, I channel waves of love, abundance, opportunities, success and "lucky" coincidences into Diana’s life...
And I relish every second of it!

I have so much to give!
So before the sun set on that day, I asked her:
How much you love me? And she said with arms open..this much…!
Tears of happiness rolled down my cheek and she didn’t notice..!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Month’s Mind

Jacky where are you..? There is so much I wish to say, I think about you every day. I miss your laugh, I miss your smile…neither lost nor forgotten....I imagine them often. It just doesn't seem real that you're not around…I still look for you when I'm in my car driving down to my hometown...I can never forget that Saturday evening (20th June,2015) when I made the last call to you…You and I spoke of life and a few plans for life….oozing out life and confidence. But God had a better plan the very next day early morning. I was late to reach but you were early to reach Him before time…Today I know that you are away for one month and never to return...I still wait for you whenever I get into my room…whenever I take my car out for a drive…Jacky where are you..?

It’s been a month since you are away…! Bless us with love for one day we all will see you above.

Second Angel in heaven

Second Angel in heaven

You were the best guy in the family
Loving all equally and fighting for every bit of happiness
Now all I do is fighting back my tears.
I wanted to do everything you desired,
Because I wanted you to be hale and hearty
Now I sit here wondering what to do,
Because there's no one to replace you.

I never did tell you all the things I felt,
Like how much I really did love you.
I wish we could go back and start over again.
I don't want to be alone. I need my brother,
I need my friend like brother.

When you think of us while you're up in heaven,
Think of how much you meant to us
It's sad that you left without saying goodbye
You were big brother…eldest Son…loving Uncle
To many, you were best friend
We will always love you no matter how long it’s been,
Since your life came to an end.

Just a month...
Seems like forever....
I've asked myself and I've talked to God.....
How could he take you away so early, just like He did with George;  our brother?
The only answer that makes any sense is....
You're in God's hands now...
As he planned
Watching us from above...

Angels in heaven who will always be loved

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Bless me with your eyes..!

Bless me with your eyes
I see life lying there with spice
They inspire me to live life forever
And spread its fragrance everywhere

Bless me with your eyes even more
I see beauty oozing out there
They drive me crazy time and again
Filling in me love and deleting pain

Bless me with your eyes without end
I find there a lovely and spicy friend
I can’t but befriend you for life
If not my being on earth would be strife

Bless me with your eyes showering grace
They have become my mind’s resting place
I’ve found in your eyes beauty with wisdom
Deny not thy care and love Bless my kingdom

Bless me with your eyes
Every time I see them they unravel a surprise

Friday, May 16, 2014

My story is on…!

My story is on…!

Once upon a time I was alone…
Busy in my world of flowers and stone
My dreams were just dreams without any future in sight
My days were just days, which turned into night
And my wishes were wishes that rarely came true
Excitement was a feeling that I barely knew

One evening I met you at a coffee day…
And the story began and it’s on and I have to say
You came and melted my heart
In a thousand different ways, made my heart beat
Made me feel more loved than I'd ever felt
And I loved the way my life was dealt
I was happier than I'd ever dreamed, in ways many
You are a dream come true in my life’s journey
You were and are a bundle of surprises
Packed with gifts and prizes
The love and understanding you bestow
Is something, I have searched till now
I used wake up because I had to,
I had nothing to look forward to
And I slept because I had to dream a new life
Now that you have woken me up, no strife
I can’t sleep for my dream has come true
And my dream is you…and only you
You are truly God’s package of love, hope and dream
My dream, always and forever in life’s stream
You are the answer to prayers and tears
My angel, the one I have waited for all these years.
It’s a blessing to have you beside me
Through the good and rough sea
I love the way God has written my story
And really happy the story is on…!

Friday, April 11, 2014

I rise up for YOU

I rise up for YOU 

My life has been special after I met you
I love, I fall, and I rise up though I know I will fall again
I need you every moment of my life
So I have decided to rise up every time I fall

I fall because I love you more than anything
I rise up to love you more and more and more than anything
I fall, because I am dependent on this mortal world
I rise up time and again to give you that divine love

You see my love and my falling again and again
See my rising up and the love I have for you
For me life isn’t in falling but in rising up every time I fall
And you are my life and my rising is for you

Every time I fall I rise up just for you

For rising up for you is rising up for life

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

YOU and I
I know you remember the day I met you

Wanna feel the feelings I felt that day..?
You just froze me in place the first time I saw you,
You were behind me, almost trying to scare me
You were mine in seconds
My feelings for you are deep and my soul full of many passions

And the sole reason is you
Lot of stories, in my mind about the first moment I met you
My ego was defeated by your smile
And your smile was warm and touched my heart
There is something attractive in your laugh too
It’s contagious and warms every corner of my soul
I felt fully connected after that first meet
You have a grip on me… Even if I try and shake it
You already have a hold on my heart and mind
I loved the voice and it was as resonant as a bass guitar
I feel your voice throughout my heart

Your voice transport me to a different world
It is magical and ever soothing
I had no plan to fall in love before I saw your smile
I tried to hear the thoughts of my mind but my heart overpowered
Loved the way you smiled, walked, and (hardly) talked.
The fragrance of your being engulfed me
I felt the essence of who you are
I wanted more… wanted a yes from you then and there!

But I was afraid, and respect and care for you
I knew everything will be alright because I already had loved you.
Just a month in love and we have so many adventures (simple acts).
Now that I know I need you and you can’t live without me
A new, never-told love story has begun
We aren’t in limbo, afraid of what we feel and what we want
You are my true soul mate.
Everything you are has already changed the way I feel about love
I want to lose myself in your love to find a life
My mind is busy with dreams only of you and I

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Committed Friend

Committed Friend

From the first casual glance

Experienced by a pair of curious eyes

To the best dazzling extra teeth when smiled

Rendered by an angel full of life and spice

I liked you.

From the first quivering chitchat

Painted with the stammering negation with eyes

To the affectionate cellular chat

Shared by the two with unspoken words

I knew you

From the first story of life and love

Shared with confidence and trust

To the intoxicating friendship and love

Ending in the beginning the memorable fall.

I liked you.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Rise and Shine


I’m gonna Rise and shine
For He wants to rise and shine in me
Let the world know that He is still alive
Yes I’m gonna rise and shine
To make the lame walk,
The deaf listen and dumb talk
To give sight back to the blind
Just like He did and He does
Let the light, light the darkness
For I’m gonna rise and shine
It's been two thousand years
But the story's still the same
To wipeout, there are plenty tears
I’m gonna rise and shine in His name
To heal the sick, raise the dead
And to console the depressed
I’m gonna rise and shine in His name
For through Him this life is mine
Are you ready to rise and shine..?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love that’s not loved

Love that’s not loved

You are special, I am special
Yet you treat me casual
Rules and time put me apart
Living life with a broken heart
Memories rekindle the life
Moments that united us alive
We remember and cherish

All that we want to forget
We wanted to be together
But we are far afar
We do or at least we try to
All that we ought not
I am the crazy creature
You can never forget
You are the lovely cherub
I can never ever get

It’s a love that’s not loved
It’s a life that’s not lived

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love that’s not loved

Love that’s not loved

You are special, I am special
Yet you treat me casual
Rules and time put me apart
Living life with a broken heart
Memories rekindle the life
Moments that united us alive
We remember and cherish
All that we want to forget
We wanted to be together
But we are far afar
We do or at least we try to
All that we ought not
I am the crazy creature
You can never forget
You are the lovely cherub
I can never ever get
It’s a love that’s not loved
It’s a life that’s not lived

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lucky Time

Lucky Time

I dream and dream a lot
But dream is not my master
I think and think a lot
Yet thoughts aren’t my aim
I have tasted triumph
I am friendly with defeat
Both aren’t strangers to me
No matter how many times I lose
I am ready to start again
No matter how many times I win
Will venture into new things often
The more I go for in life
The more I find outstanding to explore
I feel one life isn’t enough
So why waste time doing nothing
Life gonna take you where you wanna go
Why you go where it takes you
Go in life wherever you wanna go
Be a driver in your life
An Inspirer in others life
Never blame the lucky time
Its never gonna come back again
Never live a life lived yesterday
Live today never adjourn to next day
                                               For today is sure tomorrow may not be there