Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sweet Friend

Sweet Friend

From the days of my youth
I never saw anyone so sweet and smooth
I never saw sweetness around
Until I met you my sweet friend

I just long to love you
I just crave to care for you
I just want to feel you
Be mine forever I kneel and pray you

Sweetest is the pain that you cause
Loveliest is the love that you pause
You are lucky, for, me you choose
I am happy for God brought us close
Lets be friends forever
Sharing love each other

Friday, October 5, 2007

I like you friend

A glance…

All your steps have left
Many marked memories in my mind
For I loved watching you walk
In and around my mind

All your few words have left
Many sweet memories in my heart
For I loved hearing you talk
Words that touch my heart

You used to travel in my mind
When I was jobless and in leisure
Now you travel all the while
As you have made an abode in my mind

Without my knowledge you swayed my mind
Without my consent you stole my peace
Without my approval you entered my world
Without my senses you sensed my soul

All this happened just at a glance
A glance that tossed my balance

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Be my sweet Friend

I will be your sweet friend
Caring and loving till the end
I will change everything as you wish
If only you remain sweet and my bliss

I will lead life alone till my last breath
I will love you truly…love you beyond death
You were my solace and comfort in distress
Be my sweet, loving friend and soul mistress