Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Month’s Mind

Jacky where are you..? There is so much I wish to say, I think about you every day. I miss your laugh, I miss your smile…neither lost nor forgotten....I imagine them often. It just doesn't seem real that you're not around…I still look for you when I'm in my car driving down to my hometown...I can never forget that Saturday evening (20th June,2015) when I made the last call to you…You and I spoke of life and a few plans for life….oozing out life and confidence. But God had a better plan the very next day early morning. I was late to reach but you were early to reach Him before time…Today I know that you are away for one month and never to return...I still wait for you whenever I get into my room…whenever I take my car out for a drive…Jacky where are you..?

It’s been a month since you are away…! Bless us with love for one day we all will see you above.

Second Angel in heaven

Second Angel in heaven

You were the best guy in the family
Loving all equally and fighting for every bit of happiness
Now all I do is fighting back my tears.
I wanted to do everything you desired,
Because I wanted you to be hale and hearty
Now I sit here wondering what to do,
Because there's no one to replace you.

I never did tell you all the things I felt,
Like how much I really did love you.
I wish we could go back and start over again.
I don't want to be alone. I need my brother,
I need my friend like brother.

When you think of us while you're up in heaven,
Think of how much you meant to us
It's sad that you left without saying goodbye
You were big brother…eldest Son…loving Uncle
To many, you were best friend
We will always love you no matter how long it’s been,
Since your life came to an end.

Just a month...
Seems like forever....
I've asked myself and I've talked to God.....
How could he take you away so early, just like He did with George;  our brother?
The only answer that makes any sense is....
You're in God's hands now...
As he planned
Watching us from above...

Angels in heaven who will always be loved

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Bless me with your eyes..!

Bless me with your eyes
I see life lying there with spice
They inspire me to live life forever
And spread its fragrance everywhere

Bless me with your eyes even more
I see beauty oozing out there
They drive me crazy time and again
Filling in me love and deleting pain

Bless me with your eyes without end
I find there a lovely and spicy friend
I can’t but befriend you for life
If not my being on earth would be strife

Bless me with your eyes showering grace
They have become my mind’s resting place
I’ve found in your eyes beauty with wisdom
Deny not thy care and love Bless my kingdom

Bless me with your eyes
Every time I see them they unravel a surprise