Oh lovely Butterfly...
Stay on... do not fly...
I love thy sight...
Delay thy flight.
You drive me mad with memories
You bring back my infant glories
Do not depart...
Come near...float
You are a true personification of Human happiness
If I try to catch thee... am helpless...
You never come into my hand
So float near me in thy own style...and on me land.
I have lot of mundane things to share with thee
Times that are dead and gone... find life in thee
Your presence revives me again
rejuanating is thy touch, Blessings rain.
So lovely Butterfly...
Linger on in my life... do not fly
Teach me to taste the eternal life that you live
let me digest the Good news you preach
So delay thy flight
For a while be in my sight.
Stay on... do not fly...
I love thy sight...
Delay thy flight.
You drive me mad with memories
You bring back my infant glories
Do not depart...
Come near...float
You are a true personification of Human happiness
If I try to catch thee... am helpless...
You never come into my hand
So float near me in thy own style...and on me land.
I have lot of mundane things to share with thee
Times that are dead and gone... find life in thee
Your presence revives me again
rejuanating is thy touch, Blessings rain.
So lovely Butterfly...
Linger on in my life... do not fly
Teach me to taste the eternal life that you live
let me digest the Good news you preach
So delay thy flight
For a while be in my sight.