Wednesday, March 19, 2008

True Feeling....!

"There is a part of me so natural

That feels I am different from everyone else.

Something that I can't quite see,

Something that I can't quite feel,

......somthing so real, yet unreal".

This is what our mind babbles when all alone

We think that we know all, yet we are confused

We feel we've everthing around us, yet feel abandoned

There's a feel of loneliness, emptiness, nothingness.....

Sometines we feel we know...where we are from...

Sometimes we feel directionless and aimless...

There's the feel of life when dear ones suround us...

And the aridity kills us while pain is around us

We'll never know,

Whatever it is,

I know for sure,

We can never let these feeling vanish.

We know when we think

Even when others think for us

There's always this war

between the Real and the Unreal


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  2. its very beautiful.. i liked all of them...keep writing and posting tem.. wil wait for more of ur writings :)
