Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Gift of my Life

The Gift of my Life

My girl has laughter and smile
She warms my very being all the while
Her presence lifts My spirit
She is mine forever, I can’t forget

She is full of compassion, caring and rare
She make me to grow and share
My soul soars like an eagle in the right way
She is mine forever, come what may

She has such passion and desire
More powerful than anything I've ever known
In life I would never retire
She is just mine and my own

She is all love and warmth
Her voice takes my breath away
My heart swells with emotion, in heaven seventh
She is mine, can’t lose her sway

She is friendship and understanding
So pure and good, loving and caring
My whole being craves for her smile
For it makes me walk the extra mile

She is wonderful and God’s gift
She came while I was not expecting
She brought me so much joy and life itself
I will never lose, for I do not like repenting

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Silent tears

I never knew that I would cry for someone
I had no reason to cry, I was not hurt either
I did shed few silent tears for the loved one
It all meant how much I need you for ever

Silent tears have a message that is vibrant
It’s a unique bonding that we share now
No word can define our relation pleasant
We are attached, know not why and how

I know that I have found someone in you
One whom I missed all my days and nights
Now that I know you, will I let you go?
Late tears but in right time and for person right

Late have I found thee my love…!
Fate can not separate us not even God above

Be Someone Deep Within

Someone who can silence the voices,
A friend for the silent and weak
Am different and expectations find me strange
I need to stand still fearless and speak.
Be someone deep within

Afraid to fail and afraid to win
Yet I want to walk that extra mile,
Failures are facts and victories seem dream
To move a mere inch I need your smile.
Be someone deep within

Life seems a journey, know not where I go
Tired and torn are the dreams, no home
I live as if am not alive, for all is blue
I understand yet fully confused, I fathom
Be someone deep within

I need someone to love
I need someone to be loved
I need someone to understand
I need someone to be understood
Be someone deep within

Without You

Without You

I shall wipe away the tears
Pushing aside all my fears I did love you truly and madly
But you forgot me very badly
I held you close to my heart
Every moment my love you forgot
I shall hold my little head high
Let me reach for the sky
End of a road is not life’s end
Yet its crucifixion: the betrayal of a friend.

Let God bless and let it rain
That would wash away the pain
I was hurt and hurt but not like this
I feel life is enough, death: let me kiss
I did love you and it happened so fast
You never loved and it could never last
true love was not true enough
With out you life seems tough

The feelings were really strong
But somehow wrong and everything wrong
Now that you are gone and I moan
How shall I carry on, pain creeps in on and on
You have striped my naked heart
And it would never make a fresh start
Without you I need to chase my dream
How shall I? For you are my dream’s cream
Now that you betray me time and again
Calm, composed and normal how shall I remain?
I have to hold my little head high
Without your aid to reach for the sky